Transitioning From Offseason to Post Season
During your 2-4 weeks of “offseason” you gave the body and mind the break it needed. But, now during the transition to movement or what...

Amateur to Elite: Six Keys to Athletic Progression
The quantity vs. quality debate has been filling up endurance sports forum and blog sites for years. Some argue that high-volume...

Recover With Real Food
I recently came across an older (2001) article written by Paul Roberts that explores the evolution of a former US national cycling team...

The Connection Between Shank Angle & Injury
One of the most critical but ignored aspects of run form is the shank angle: the angle between the shank and a line dawn perpendicular to...

Beginner IRONMAN Training Plan
The goal of this 12-week plan is to prepare you to succeed in an IRONMAN event: 3.8km swim, 180km bike & 42.2km run. We will train in...

Ironman Arizona 70.3 Tips
Training & racing tips for AZ 70.3 provided by coach Jason Lentzke #ironmanarizona #arizona703 #ironman #coaching #heat #FTP

Triathlon Packing List
A proper packing list can make race day logistics much less stressful. Print this list out, check things off, and arrive at the start...

Are You Race Ready?
There is no training program/workout any coach can create that can make up for a lack of consistency in training. The higher your goals...

Six Key Bike Power Metrics
Regardless of the race distance, an athlete will feel the effects of limited cycling training within their run performance. As events get...

Inner.Voice Article
SUFFERING MAKES ME BETTER I race best when I’m angry. Even if things in my own world are content, I get into my own angry world on race...