Preventing Heat Illness
“Sad, frustrated, a million different things,” Sarah True told Triathlonworld.com. “You never expect to be in the position where you have...

The Stressors of Travel & Training
Intentionally applying physiological stressors in order to achieve optimal adaptations is necessary to improve fitness. When you become...

Looking to Run Faster Off the Bike?
Want to run faster off the bike? Stop training like a runner and start training for a single sport: triathlon. Durability is the biggest...

Getting Sick is OK
Getting sick during a training cycle is inevitable--it's a part of life. The important thing to embrace is that performance readiness is...

Hydration & Sweat Rate
Hydration is extremely important as our bodies are approximately 60% water. Dehydration occurs when fluid loss (via sweat, urine and...

Marathon in the Offseason?
Marathons are hard but fun, I have said it a couple of times and will continue to do so. However, the reason for this blog is not to...

Common Triathlon Injuries
Jason & Scott Ellis of Swing Physical Therapy discuss common triathlon injuries and how to overcome them. Here are some tips on how to...

An Athlete's Relationship with Food
Following my previous post about some of the learnings of my last two years of training and racing, I received a couple of messages...

Lactic Misconceptions
We’ve all felt that "burn" in our legs during a race, a hard climb, or an all-out interval. What about that muscle pain the next day or...

This Winter, Ride Hard.
Triathletes are typically goal-oriented people. If your goal is to get faster, you don’t have time for traditional base miles this...